Insults, discrimination of all kinds, misogyny, instigation of violence, homophobia, racist and anti-scientific fake news, revenge porn. This avalanche of filth appears to be set off by the idea that the Internet is a free zone, a Far Web where there are no rules, where everyone is untouchable and where it is legitimate and feasible to take the law into your own hands. But is it really the Internet’s fault if people hate? Are we really willing to risk our freedom of expression in order to carry out an indiscriminate crusade against online hatred? What role do the various platforms play? How does the widespread lack of digital education affect certain currents? And what regulatory framework is in place today?

Date and times

  • Friday 6 October:  15:00-16:00

The event is free and freely accessible until exhaustion. Booking is compulsory for schools and large groups and recommended for individual visitors. Before making group bookings, please contact our staff to agree on the most appropriate teaching path.

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Piazza San Paolo a Ripa D'Arno, Pisa, PI, Italia
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