In situations of danger or emergency, people can give the best or the worst of themselves. We will discuss and experience how social media can be governed by working with Emergenza24’s open protocols, checking and coding information. This workshop will be dedicated to understanding the main aspects and levers that regulate and condition communication during emergencies. From the elaboration of natural language to textual analysis, from computational linguistics to supporting correct, verified and responsible information by building a community of awareness. The workshop aims to provide participants with basic communication guidelines during emergencies by analysing real cases and experiences documented by Emergenza24, the first digital community dedicated to emergencies. Using the method of learning by doing and starting from the analysis of emergency cases and specific situations (acts of terrorism, earthquakes, missing people…) following a communication protocol, reporting rules and analysing messages, participants will develop rules and modes of interaction over the three hours of laboratory work.

Date and times

  • Friday 6 October:  15:00-18:00

The event is free and freely accessible until exhaustion. Booking is compulsory for schools and large groups and recommended for individual visitors. Before making group bookings, please contact our staff to agree on the most appropriate teaching path.

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For info and assistance on reservations: +39 347 8336183 or


Centro Congressi le Benedettine
Piazza San Paolo a Ripa D'Arno, Pisa, PI, Italia
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