The IoT revolution relies on “Low Power Wide Area Networks”: low energy networks that cover tens of kilometers, capable of enabling Industrial Internet of Things and Industry 4.0 projects over very large areas. A panel of experts and companies in the field will give an overview of the sector and outlook for the future. The workshop will be concluded with a demo of The Things Network of Pisa, set up by the University of Pisa and start-up Zerynth, in collaboration with AAEON Europe.

Date and times

  • Friday 6 October:  15:00-17:00

The event is free and freely accessible until exhaustion. Booking is compulsory for schools and large groups and recommended for individual visitors. Before making group bookings, please contact our staff to agree on the most appropriate teaching path.

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For info and assistance on reservations: +39 347 8336183 or


Centro Congressi le Benedettine
Piazza San Paolo a Ripa D'Arno, Pisa, PI, Italia
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